Course Instructional Needs Request This form serves to collect the textbook, classroom, course assistant, and IT needs for each course. IT needs includes computing, software, and Canvas. InstructorName* First Last Do you have an Andrew ID?* No (new faculty or other reason) Yes Andrew ID*Please enter the name only, not an email address or alias.Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Department/Program* Arts & Sciences Business Administration Biological Sciences Computer Science Information Systems Select the semester for this request* Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Summer 2024 How many courses will you teach in the selected semester?* 1 2 3 Course needsCourse number*Course title*Course Units*CMU Core Competencies Initiative: The university has adopted a set of core competencies that every CMU undergraduate should develop as part of their university experience. Please check the appropriate box for any competencies that will be addressed as part of the learning outcomes for your course. You can access more information regarding these competencies through this link.Core Competency Course Tags Collaboration & Teamwork CC Communication & Presentation CC Information & Data Literacy CC Intercultural and Global Learning (IGL) & Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) CC Is this a brand new course?* No Yes Key topics*Prerequisite knowledge*Course relevance*Course goals*Assessment structure*Learning resources*Extra time commitments**Course tags*Grade option*Will your class have a final exam?* No Yes Do you need a textbook for this course? (Please note, the default format is digital.)* No Yes Textbook Information*TitleISBNHave you ordered this book before? Additional Textbook InformationAuthor(s)PublisherEdition (if applicable) Textbook Order CommentsPlease enter any other details or instructions about your textbooks. Type of classroom (If you have a lab and lecture/recitation component, choose all that apply) Classroom (Chairs/Tables) Classroom (U-shaped) PC Computer Classroom Mac Computer Classroom Lecture Hall Lecture Hall (theater style) Lecture Hall (Computer) Other classroom needs (e.g. whiteboards)Do you have any preference for a specific classroom? No Yes Specific Classroom Preference*Enter NumberReason for request Do you need software for this course? No Yes Required softwareList of software installed in the Clusters for Spring 2018 semester is found here. Please list all the software needed for your course even if the software is already in the Clusters list. We will only provide the software you request here. Software nameVersionSoftware websiteInstall on my computer?Install in Clusters?Install on Virtual.Qatar?Install on a special server?Is this an online software subscription? Please enter any other software needs or instructionsAre you planning to hire Undergraduate Course Assistant for this course?*Please note that CA support is not guaranteed, and is determined by evaluating a course’s historic needs, current enrollment figures, and current budget allowances. No Yes Number of CA positions*Have you already approached any student(s) to take the position if approved? If so, provide the name(s) of any student(s) who have shown interest.All undergraduate Course Assistants must have a 3.0 QPA, an A or B in the course, and a clean record of academic integrity for past two consecutive semesters. In addition to this, do candidates for this position need to meet any other qualifications or requirements? If so, please list the additional qualifications or requirements.Specification of Undergraduate Course Assistant Duties (Enter number of weekly hours below) Attend All Classes (Includes all lectures, labs, recitations listed on the schedule of classes)Assist in Labs or Lead Recitations ONLY (please leave empty or 0 if this is counted already in other box)Proctor on Quiz/ Test/ Exam days ONLY please leave empty or 0 if this is counted already in other box)Hold Office Hours for walk-in tutoringGradingMeet Instructor weekly (Mandatory expectation)*Online ResponsibilitiesAny other duty not listed aboveTotal HoursTotal hours requested may not exceed 20 hours per week. Does your course require industry partnership? Yes No Please specify the type of industry partnership you are interested in: Guest speaker Project Case study Other Course 2 IT needsCourse number*Course title*Course Units*CMU Core Competencies Initiative: The university has adopted a set of core competencies that every CMU undergraduate should develop as part of their university experience. Please check the appropriate box for any competencies that will be addressed as part of the learning outcomes for your course. You can access more information regarding these competencies through this link.Core Competency Course Tags Collaboration & Teamwork CC Communication & Presentation CC Information & Data Literacy CC Intercultural and Global Learning (IGL) & Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) CC Is this a brand new course?* No Yes Key topics*Prerequisite knowledge*Course relevance*Course goals*Assessment structure*Learning resources*Extra time commitments*Course tags*Grade option*Will your class have a final exam?* No Yes Do you need a textbook for this course? (Please note, the default format is digital.)* No Yes Textbook Information*TitleISBNHave you ordered this book before? Additional Textbook InformationAuthor(s)PublisherEdition (if applicable) Textbook Order CommentsPlease enter any other details or instructions about your textbooks. Type of classroom (If you have a lab and lecture/recitation component, choose all that apply) Classroom (Chairs/Tables) Classroom (U-shaped) PC Computer Classroom Mac Computer Classroom Lecture Hall Lecture Hall (theater style) Lecture Hall (Computer) Videoconferencing (limited availability) Lecture recording (limited availability) Other classroom needs (e.g. whiteboards)Do you have any preference for a specific classroom? No Yes Specific Classroom Preference*Enter NumberReason for request Do you need software for this course? No Yes Required softwareList of software installed in the Clusters for Spring 2018 semester is found here. Please list all the software needed for your course even if the software is already in the Clusters list. We will only provide the software you request here. Software nameVersionSoftware websiteInstall on my computer?Install in Clusters?Install on Virtual.Qatar?Install on a special server?Is this an online software subscription? Please enter any other software needs or instructionsAre you planning to hire Undergraduate Course Assistant for this course?* No Yes Number of CA positions*Have you already approached any student(s) to take the position if approved? If so, provide the name(s) of any student(s) who have shown interest.All undergraduate Course Assistants must have a 3.0 QPA, an A or B in the course, and a clean record of academic integrity for past two consecutive semesters. In addition to this, do candidates for this position need to meet any other qualifications or requirements? If so, please list the additional qualifications or requirements.Specification of Undergraduate Course Assistant Duties (Enter number of weekly hours below) Attend All Classes (Includes all lectures, labs, recitations listed on the schedule of classes)Assist in Labs or Lead Recitations ONLY (please leave empty or 0 if this is counted already in other box)Proctor on Quiz/ Test/ Exam days ONLY please leave empty or 0 if this is counted already in other box)Hold Office Hours for walk-in tutoringGradingMeet Instructor weekly (Mandatory expectation)*Online ResponsibilitiesAny other duty not listed aboveTotal HoursTotal hours requested may not exceed 20 hours per week. Does your course require industry partnership? Yes No Please specify the type of industry partnership you are interested in: Guest speaker Project Case study Other Course 3 IT needsCourse number*Course title*Course Units*CMU Core Competencies Initiative: The university has adopted a set of core competencies that every CMU undergraduate should develop as part of their university experience. Please check the appropriate box for any competencies that will be addressed as part of the learning outcomes for your course. You can access more information regarding these competencies through this link.Core Competency Course Tags Collaboration & Teamwork CC Communication & Presentation CC Information & Data Literacy CC Intercultural and Global Learning (IGL) & Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) CC Is this a brand new course?* No Yes Key topics*Prerequisite knowledge*Course relevance*Course goals*Assessment structure*Learning resources*Extra time commitments*Course tags*Grade option*Will your class have a final exam?* No Yes Do you need a textbook for this course? (Please note, the default format is digital.)* No Yes Textbook Information*TitleISBNHave you ordered this book before? Additional Textbook InformationAuthor(s)PublisherEdition (if applicable) Textbook Order CommentsPlease enter any other details or instructions about your textbooks. Type of classroom (If you have a lab and lecture/recitation component, choose all that apply) Classroom (Chairs/Tables) Classroom (U-shaped) PC Computer Classroom Mac Computer Classroom Lecture Hall Lecture Hall (theater style) Lecture Hall (Computer) Videoconferencing (limited availability) Lecture recording (limited availability) Other classroom needs (e.g. whiteboards)Do you have any preference for a specific classroom? No Yes Specific Classroom Preference*Enter NumberReason for request Do you need software for this course? No Yes Required softwareList of software installed in the Clusters for Spring 2018 semester is found here. Please list all the software needed for your course even if the software is already in the Clusters list. We will only provide the software you request here. Software nameVersionSoftware websiteInstall on my computer?Install in Clusters?Install on Virtual.Qatar?Install on a special server?Is this an online software subscription? Please enter any other software needs or instructionsAre you planning to hire Undergraduate Course Assistant for this course?Please note that CA support is not guaranteed, and is determined by evaluating a course’s historic needs, current enrollment figures, and current budget allowances. No Yes Number of CA positions*Have you already approached any student(s) to take the position if approved? If so, provide the name(s) of any student(s) who have shown interest.All undergraduate Course Assistants must have a 3.0 QPA, an A or B in the course, and a clean record of academic integrity for past two consecutive semesters. In addition to this, do candidates for this position need to meet any other qualifications or requirements? If so, please list the additional qualifications or requirements.Specification of Undergraduate Course Assistant Duties (Enter number of weekly hours below) Attend All Classes (Includes all lectures, labs, recitations listed on the schedule of classes)Assist in Labs or Lead Recitations ONLY (please leave empty or 0 if this is counted already in other box)Proctor on Quiz/ Test/ Exam days ONLY please leave empty or 0 if this is counted already in other box)Hold Office Hours for walk-in tutoringGradingMeet Instructor weekly (Mandatory expectation)*Online ResponsibilitiesAny other duty not listed aboveTotal HoursTotal hours requested may not exceed 20 hours per week. Does your course require industry partnership? Yes No Please specify the type of industry partnership you are interested in: Guest speaker Project Case study Other Canvas, Training, special needs or instructionsWill you be using Canvas for teaching this semester?* No Yes Would you like to copy the content from the previous semester?* No Yes Do you need Canvas orientation, training, or refresher? No Yes Do you need audiovisual systems orientation, training, or refresher? No Yes Please enter any additional instructions for IT or any other special IT needs (hardware, servers, etc.)